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GENERAL APPEARANCE : The Rottweiler is a medium to large sized, sturdy dog without being light, bulky, leggy or lanky. Its structure, in correct proportions, forms a compact, strong and well-proportioned figure, revealing power, agility and resistance.

Personality:  Friendly, balanced and brave.

Energy Level : Very Active.  

Good with children:  Yes.


Good with other dogs:  With supervision.


Grooming:  Seasonal.


Life expectancy : 8-10  years old.

Bark level:  Bark when necessary.


The Rottweiler is among the oldest breeds. Its origin dates back to Roman times, where it was bred as a guard dog and herdsman. These dogs immigrated with the Roman legions across the Alps, guarding men and herding the herd. On the outskirts of Rottweil, they met with the dogs of the region. There was, then, a miscegenation. The Rottweiler's main task was once again the management and care of large herds, large animals and the defense of its owner and his patrimony. It is named after the ancient city of Rottweil: Rottweiler Metz-gerhund (Rottweil Butcher Dog). Butchers bred this breed for sheer show, with no use for it. Thus, over time, this walking dog became more used as a draft dog. At the beginning of the century, when several breeds were researched for the police role, the Rottweiler was also evaluated. In a short time he proved to be extraordinarily suited to the tasks of the police service. For this reason, in the year 1910, it was officially recognized as a police dog. Breeding the Rottweiler intends to be a strong, black dog with clearly defined reddish-brown markings, which, despite the general bulky appearance, should not do without nobility, being highly indicated as a companion, protection, rescue and utility dog.

Country of Origin: Germany.

BEHAVIOR AND TEMPERAMENT:  The Rottweiler is basically friendly and peaceful, very attached, loves children, easy to lead and eager to work. Its print reveals primitivism, it is self-confident, with courage and firm nerves. Always attentive to everything that surrounds him, he reacts with great readiness, and at the same time balanced.



Skull: Of medium length, relatively broad between the ears. Viewed in profile, the forehead line is moderately arched. Occiput is well developed, without being too protruding.


Stop: Relatively marked stop. Frontal groove not too deep.




Nose: Well developed, more broad than round, with relatively large nostrils and always black.


Muzzle: Should appear neither elongated nor short in proportion to the cranial region. The proportion between the length of the muzzle and the length of the skull is approximately 1 to 1.5. straight nose bridge; wide at the root, tapering moderately towards the nose.


Lips: Black, tight, labial corner not visible (closed), gums as dark as possible.


Jaws and  Teeth: Upper and lower jaws strong and wide. Complete set of teeth (42 teeth) with scissor bite, upper incisors overlapping fitted to lower incisors. Faces: Well developed zygomatic arches.


Eyes: Medium size, almond shaped, deep brown in color. Eyelids well adjusted.


Ears: Of medium size, hanging, triangular, set well apart, set high. The skull appears to be wider when the ears are facing forward and lying close to the cheeks.


NECK: Strong, moderately long, well muscled, with a slightly arched topline; dry, without excessive dewlap (loose skin).




Back: Straight, firm and strong.


Loin: Short, strong and deep.


Croup: Broad, of medium length; slightly rounded. Neither flat nor falling (medium angle).


Chest: Broad, broad and deep (approximately 50% of the height at the withers), with well developed forechest and well sprung ribs.


Belly: Underline without tuck-up.


TAIL: In natural conditions, strong, level in extension to the backline; while on alert, when excited or in motion, it can be driven in a smooth curve; at rest it can be pending. While positioned along the leg, the tail reaches approximately to the hocks or is slightly longer.


FOREQUARTERS: Viewed from the front, the forelegs are straight and not placed too close together (moderately apart). Viewed in profile, forearms straight and vertical. The scapulae form an angle close to 45o with the horizontal.


Shoulders: Well placed.


Arms: Well adjusted to the body. Forearm: Strongly developed and muscular.


Pasterns: Slightly flexible, strong, not sloping (oblique).


Forefeet: Round, closed and well arched. Hard pads; short, black and strong nails.


HINDQUARTERS:  Viewed from behind, the legs are straight and not placed too close together (moderately spread apart). In natural 'stay', the thigh forms an obtuse angle with the croup and the leg, as well as the leg with the metatarsal (hock).  


Thigh: Moderately long, broad and heavily muscled.


Legs: Long, strong and broadly muscled, vigorous.


Hocks: Firm, hocks well bent, not bent (slanted).


Hind feet: Slightly longer than the forefeet. Strong, arched fingers, as closed as the previous ones.


GATHERING: The Rottweiler is a trottering dog. In movement, the back remains firm and relatively immobile. The evolution of the movements is harmonic, safe, strong and fluent, with a good range.


SKIN: Skin of the head: Fully fitted. When the dog is alert, the skin on the forehead (forehead) may be slightly wrinkled.


  • COAT


HAIR: The coat consists of a covering coat and an undercoat. The cover coat is of medium length, coarse, dense and set. The undercoat must not appear below the covering coat. The fur is a little longer on the hindquarters.


COLOR: Black, with well-defined markings in a rich brown color ('tan') on the cheeks, muzzle, throat, chest and legs, as well as above the eyes and under the root of the tail.


SIZE AND WEIGHT: Height at the withers: For males: 61 to 68 cm. 61 to 62 cm is small. 63 to 64 cm average height. 65 to 66 cm is big = correct height. 67 to 68 cm too big. Weight: 50 kilos.


Height at the withers: For Females: 56 to 63 cm. 56 to 57 cm is small. 58 to 59 cm average height. 60 to 61 cm is big = correct height. 62 to 63 cm too big. Weight: Approximately 42 pounds.

  • FAULTS  

Any deviation from this standard should be considered a fault and penalized in exact proportion to its severity and its effects on the health and well-being of the dog.  



• Aggressiveness or excessive shyness.

• Any dog that shows any sign of physical or behavioral anomaly must be disqualified.

• Atypical dogs.

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