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lakeland terrier

GENERAL APPEARANCE : Smart, fit for the job, well balanced and compact.

Personality:  Courageous, robust, vivacious.

Power Level : Active.

Good with children:  Yes.


Good with other dogs:  Yes.


Grooming:  Seasonal.


Life Expectancy : 13-15  years old.

Bark level:  Bark when necessary.


Difficult to find in Brazil and little known to our public, the Lakeland Terrier has its origins in Great Britain, more precisely in the counties of Cumberland and Westmorland, on the northwest coast of England. There, in a region known as the Lake District (hence the origin of the dog's name), this breed began between the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century.   Its first breed club was created in 1912 and the Kennel Club of England recognized the Lakeland Terrier in 1921. In the United States, recognition came only in 1934.

The Lakeland Terrier dog is also known by several other names, which represent the neighboring regions belonging to the Lake District. Therefore, it is possible to find this same breed with the name of patterdale terrier, fell terrier and elterwater terrier.

Country of Origin: Great Britain.

BEHAVIOR AND TEMPERAMENT:  Cheerful and fearless; expression of liveliness; speed of movement; on tiptoe always in anticipation. Brave, friendly and self-confident

HEAD:  Well balanced. The size of the head, from the stop to the tip of the nose, must not exceed the length from the occiput to the stop.


Skull: Flat and refined.



Snout:  Wide, but not too long.

Truffle:  Black, except in liver-coated specimens, in which the nose will be brown.

Jaws and Teeth:  Powerful jaws. Teeth aligned with a perfect and regular scissor bite.


Eyes: Dark or hazel. Slanted eyes are undesirable.

Ears : Moderately small, V-shaped and carried in alert. Inserted neither too high nor too low.

NECK :  Extensive, slightly arched, without dewlap.


Back: Strong, moderately short.

Chest:  Fairly narrow.

TAIL: Well set on, carried erect, but not over the back or curved. In balance with the dog as a whole.



PREVIOUS:  Straight and well-boned heights.

Shoulders: Very oblique.

HINDQUARTERS:  Strong and muscular.

Hocks: Short.

  Long and powerful.

Paws :  Small, compact, round and with good pads.

  • GAIT/MOVEMENT: The limbs work parallel and correctly facing forward. The elbows move parallel to the body axis, working free laterally, with the knees turning neither in nor out. Good drive is produced by good flexion of the hindquarters.

  • COAT

Coat : Dense, hard, weather resistant and a good undercoat.

  • COLOR: Black and tan, blue and tan, red, wheat, red gray, brown (liver), blue or black. Small white spots on the paws and chest are permissible but not desired. The colors acaju (mahogany) and dark brown are not typical.

SIZE: Should not exceed 37 cm at the withers.

WEIGHT: Males: 7,700 Kg. Females: 6,800 Kg.

  • FAULTS  

Any deviation from this standard should be considered a fault and penalized in exact proportion to its severity and its effects on the health and well-being of the dog.  



• Aggressiveness or excessive shyness.

• Any dog that shows any sign of physical or behavioral anomaly must be disqualified.

• Atypical dogs.

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