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Coonhound Black and Tan

HISTORICAL SUMMARY:  Coonhounds were bred by communities that lived in the mountains of the southern United States in the 17th century, and are a far cry from the ancient Talbot - hunting dogs used by nobles and kings over the centuries throughout European history. It was developed to hunt skunks and badgers, but has handled much larger animals over the years, including even grizzly bears. This ability, added to all its versatility, made it the ideal companion for these colonists, who needed a robust and intelligent company to facilitate their living conditions. Despite centuries of history, this dog was only officially recognized as a breed with specific standards by the American association responsible for the process in 1945, at least 200 years after its creation.


Country of Origin: United States of America


GENERAL APPEARANCE L :  The Black and Brown Coonhound is fundamentally a working dog, a tracking hound, capable of withstanding the rigors of winter, the heat of summer and the difficulties of the terrain on which it works. Used primarily to track and corral raccoons, the Black and Brown Coonhound hunts entirely by scent. The Coonhound's characteristics and courage also make it an expert in hunting deer, bear, mountain lion and other large game. Specialized breed clubs require referees to value these racial characteristics when assessing the dog's merits. The overall impression is one of power, agility and vigilance. He immediately impresses with his ability to cover the ground with powerful, rhythmic strides. Considering its work as a hunting dog, it should exhibit moderate bones and good musculature. Males have heavier bones and muscles than females.


• Measured from the point of the shoulder to the ischium and from the withers to the ground, the length of the body is equal to or slightly greater than the height of the dog at the withers;

• The height must be proportionate to the general conformation, so that the dog looks neither wader nor short.

BEHAVIOR AND TEMPERAMENT : Of balanced temperament, extroverted and friendly. As a working dog used for sniffing, it must be able to work alongside other tracking dogs. Some dogs can be reserved, but never shy or aggressive. Aggression towards other people or other dogs is highly undesirable.

HEAD :  It is clearly modeled. From the occiput to the tip of the nose, the head measures between 22 and 24.5 cm in males, and from 19.5 to 22 cm in females.


skull :  Tends to an oval outline. Viewed in profile, the topline of the skull is practically in a plane parallel to the topline of the muzzle.

Stop :  Moderate, situated midway between the occiput and the nose


Truffle :  Nostrils wide open and always black.

lips :  Well developed with typical hound appearance

Jaws and Teeth : Uniform occlusion with scissor bite

eyes :  They range from hazelnut to dark brown, almost round and not deep.

Ears :  Set low and well back. Pendants in a graceful fold, giving the dog a majestic appearance. In length they naturally extend to the tip of the nose and are set at eye level or lower.

NECK : Muscular, sloping, medium length. The skin is devoid of excessive dewlap.


Back:  Level, mighty and strong

chest :  At least reach your elbows.

Ribs :  The dog has full, round, well sprung ribs without being flat.

TAIL:  It is strong, with the base set slightly below the back; carried freely and when in action forms a right angle to the back



PREVIOUS :  straight.

Shoulders :  of powerful construction

Elbows :
  Not turned either in or out.

Metacarpals :  strong and straight

HINDQUARTERS :  Well-boned and muscular. They are long and vigorous from the croup to the hocks, being short and strong from the croup to the pads. When standing on level ground, the hindquarters are situated below the body and, from the pads to the hocks, form a right angle to the ground.

Knees and Hocks :  Well angled and not tilted either in or out.

Paws :  They are compact, with well-articulated fingers, strongly arched and thick fingers. Strong pillows.

DRIVE :  When viewed in profile, the Black and Brown Coonhound's stride is flowing and graceful with plenty of reach from the forequarters and good drive from the hindquarters. When viewed from the front, the forelegs, which are in line with the width of the trunk, move forward easily but never cross. Viewed from behind, the hocks follow the line of the forequarters, without being too far apart or too close together. With increasing speed, the paws tend to converge towards the central line, in a single track, indicating good physical shape, balance and resistance. When in action, the carriage of the head and tail is proud and alert; the top line remains level.


  • COAT


By :  Short but dense to resist the weather.

  • COLOR:

  1. As the breed name implies, it is black with rich brown markings above the eyes, on the sides of the muzzle, chest, legs, around the anus, with dabs of black on the toes.


SIZE : Males 63.5  cm at 68.5  cm

            females 58  cm at 63.5  cm  

  • FAULTS  

Any deviation from the terms of this standard should be considered a fault and penalized in exact proportion to its severity and its effects on the health and well being of the dog.  especially:


• Head: Excessively wrinkled.

• Bite: Excessive deviation from the scissor bite.

• Eyes: Yellow or clear.

• Ears: That do not reach the tip of the nose or that are set too high on the head. • Posterior: Presence of ergots.

• Feet: Flattened or open.

• Color: Lack of rich brown markings, excessive areas of brown markings, excess black coloration. White on the chest or other parts of the body is highly undesirable.

• Size: Below minimum.


• Aggressiveness or excessive shyness.

• Any dog that shows any sign of physical or behavioral anomaly must be disqualified.  



• Males must have both testicles, of normal appearance, well let down and accommodated in the scrotum.

• Only clinically and functionally healthy dogs with typical breed conformation should be used for breeding.

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