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GENERAL APPEARANCE : Should be large, solid, strong and well muscled. It should be an impressive, well-balanced dog with no obvious signs of another breed.

Personality:  Intelligent, balanced and faithful.

Energy Level : Very Active.  

Good with children:  Yes.


Good with other dogs:  With supervision.


Grooming:  Seasonal.


Life Expectancy : 10-12  years old.

Bark level:  Bark when necessary.


The word "Boerboel" derives from "boer", the Dutch/African word for "farmer". The English word "Bull" sounds to Dutch ears as "Boel," hence the name Boerboel. Boerboel therefore translates as "Farmer's Bulldog" or "Boer Bull Dog" and should be pronounced a bit like "buerbull." The Boerboel is the only South African breed and was bred to defend the  homestead. [3]

Despite the Boerboel's long history of breeding, there is great uncertainty about which breeds were used to create it. It is generally believed that the breed was created from crosses between dogs of the native African breed.  landrace  - just like the dog  Africanis  - with breeds brought to South Africa by Dutch, French and British settlers.

The most likely origins​​ date back to the arrival of  Jan van Riebeeck  on Cabo beach in 1652.  Van Riebeck  brought a "Bullenbijter" ( Bullenbeisser ) with him. The original settlers and later European settlers also carried large, strong dogs that were almost certainly crossed with domestic dog breeds native to South Africa.

Country of Origin: South Africa .

BEHAVIOR AND TEMPERAMENT:  Must have a good temperament with controlled aggression. It has to be intelligent, of a firm and balanced nature and be faithful to its owner until death. It must have the characteristics of a good guard dog, be affectionate with its owner and especially with children. You must possess enormous self-confidence.


HEAD:  Big and strong. Short, wide and deep; symmetrical and balanced. Flat between the ears; the ideal length of the nose bridge for males is 10 cm and for females 8 cm. The nasal bridge should be straight and without elevations.


Stop: Not very prominent.



Nose: Nostrils large and widely spaced.


Lips: They should be well pigmented, not too fleshy, and should cover the teeth.

Jaws and Teeth: Jaws strong, straight, wide and well fitted. The ideal is a scissor bite.


Eyes: Well formed, with well-pigmented eyelids, no bulges. Superciliary arches not prominent.


Ears: Medium in size, in a “V” shape and in proportion to the head. Falls naturally close to the head and positioned quite high.


NECK: Strong and muscular. Loose dewlaps that fit between the forelimbs, forming a well-balanced unit between the head and the body.


  • BODY: Its length should be related to the size of the dog.


Back: Strong, with a relatively straight topline.


Chest: Should be strong, well muscled, broad and deep in relation to the dog and its body, with ample chest capacity.


Loin: Fairly short and well muscled.


TAIL: Preferably docked (natural tails are allowed). It forms a unit with the dog and is set quite high, without deformities.





Legs: Straight, strong and positioned below the body with a slight angle, but firm.


Shoulders: Strong, muscular and flexible.


Elbows: Correctly directed forward, allowing the dog to move comfortably.




Legs: Strong, muscular and well built, slightly angled but firm. Hocks: Correctly angled under the body when in motion.


FEET: Well padded, noticeably wider at the front; They must be correctly facing forward.


  • GAIT/MOVEMENT: Powerful, due to good drive from the hindquarters. COAT HAIR: Short and soft.  


COLOR: Any color is acceptable as long as strong pigmentation is present.


SIZE:  Height at the withers: Males: 60 - 70 cm. Females: 55 - 65 cm.


WEIGHT: Males: 60 - 75 kg. Females: 50 - 65 kg.


  • FAULTS  

Any deviation from this standard should be considered a fault and penalized in exact proportion to its severity and its effects on the health and well being of the dog.  



• Aggressiveness or excessive shyness.

• Any dog that shows any sign of physical or behavioral anomaly must be disqualified.

• Atypical dogs.

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